Dan Tirels

Dan Tirels
Dan Tirels

Friday, June 15, 2018

Small Sculptures

" The Suspicious Feeling"

The Suspicious Feeling  2015
Mixedmedia on paper 33" × 39" 

Monoprint 6" × 8"

Bridge 6" × 6"

Bridge 2015 

6" × 6" Acrylic on paper 

Urban sketches series

Containment 2015

6" × 6" Acrylic markers and paint on 300gsm heavyweight paper. 2015

Looking through some old work

Sorting through this portfolio of large mixedmedia paintings. I have had some of these framed and a few in storage, I like to use a lot if recycling and experiment with different materials, the only disadvantage with this method is that some of the finished work can be left in a fragile state over time, these need to be fixed onto a solid panel of plywood to prevent them getting damaged.

Thursday, June 14, 2018

11" × 15" mixedmedia

7" × 7" mixedmedia

Acrylic and charcoal 2017 (11" × 14")

Acrylic and charcoal

Old work - painting over

Decided to cut up and paint over some of these old paintings.

12 sculptures

New collaborative project

New Project 

I've been working on this prototype for a new collaborative art project. The FLEET project from last year was a surprisingly successful and rewarding experience and I always intended to follow it up with another idea in the same kind of format. As with all these type of collaborations it entirely depends on getting willing participants. I love the idea of these 3 origami houses, they will eventually be folded from original silkscreen prints and be despatched in a custom made hand printed cardboard box.

Pixel series 2016

The "Pixel" series of mixedmedia drawings from 2016   (3" × 5.5" on paper)

Sculpture/painting recent work

Large Drawing Acrylic & Charcoal

Acrylic and Charcoal on paper 2016
26" × 26" on 300gsm heavyweight paper

Wednesday, June 13, 2018

Recent work 8" × 6"

New work
Trying out paint effects with oil paint over waxed card. Will build up the layers and begin to scrape and scratch into the surface. Hope to continue to work on more of these and begin to explore colour and composition, I like working on this smaller scale but would like to try this same technique on larger work.

Charcoal & acrylic demo (timelapse)

Sections of large sculpture

Metropolis 32" × 32"

New work in progress